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The Grey Hill's Largest Audio Theatre Production



Apple Books


eBook & Physical

Bessie Dunlop Witch o Dalry

By: John Hodgart


2 hrs and 27 mins

Drama & Plays

Based on Historical Records

Historical Fiction


Based on the historical record of Bessie Dunlop’s ‘confession’ to witchcraft in sixteenth-century Scotland, Bessie Dunlop, the Witch o Dalry is a three-act play for schools suitable for BGE and S3–S4 students. The language of the play introduces students to different levels and varieties of Scots and English, and the book also contains teaching notes, suggestions for classroom activities, and questions for discussion or writing. 

Bessie Cover Art.jpg
Podcast - coming soon

Directed by: Mark Thomson

Karen Barthe as Bessie

Alex Hope as Andrew

Sean Brown as Andra Jack

Dale McFadzean as Jamie Dougall

Recording Engineer: Stevie Bull


Community Cast Members:

Josh Kenovan as Minister / Tom Reid

Donna Morrison as Maggie Jack

Oriana Strahan as Ailie

Rosie Strahan as Jeanie

Steven Reid as Auld Tam Reid / James Blair


Valerie Provan as Lizzie

Anne Grant as Jenny

Kirsty Strahan as Margaret Symple

Alister Sim as Elkie

Steven Richmond as Wulkie /Henry Jamieson


Ronnie Guffie as James Cunningham / Gabriel Blak

Steven Reid as Auld Tam Reid / James Blair

Drew Young as William Blair / Johnie Blak

James Dippie as Gibby / Geordie Blak / Interrogator

Alistair Sim as James Baird


Donald Reid as James Boyd, Bishop of Glasgow

Jennifer Harkins as Narrator 1

Mari-Clare Turnbull as Narrator 2

Julie Walters as Narrator 3



Susan McCabe as Isa

Carol Young as Martha

Pat Douglas as Lady Johnstoun

Lorna Manson as Grizell Johnstoun / Jintie

Ellen Hart as Catherine Dunlop


Stephen Richmond as The Laird of Stainlee

Hazel Wylie as Lady Blair / Narrator 4

Kenzie Sharkey as Janet Blair

Kate Connell as Elspeth Blair

Cameron Seaward as Hew Scott / Bishops Clerk


Mark Thomson as William Kyle / Interrogator

Jacqueline Carson as Mailie Boyd

John Hodgart as Jailer / Auld Wull / Clerk / Interrogator

Hazel Wylie as Lady Blair / Narrator 4

Willie Wallace as The Laird of Whittinghame / Advocate 1 / Interrogator

Alex Findlay as George Auchenleck of Ballmanno / Advocate 2



Psalm by the cast, tutored by Kathryn and Caitlin Turner

Sprig o Rowan by Lorna Manson, James Dippie and cast

The Ballad o Bessie's Brew by James Dippie and cast

I Had a Love and Fine Flooers in the Valley by Eilidh May Hill

Whistle Music by John Hodgart


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